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GTAG Updates [ 2.0.2 ]

post Jun 12 2014, 12:07 AM
Post #21

In motus...

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Posts: 361
From: Portugal
Joined: 28-May 09

And speaking of updates, is there anyway in the probably oh-so-messy IPB code to make forum announcements show like they were posts on the latest post thingy, or mass-post to several forums at the same time? tongue.gif
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post Jun 12 2014, 12:23 AM
Post #22

Coding like a Rockstar!

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QUOTE (Spider-Vice @ Jun 12 2014, 01:07 AM) *
And speaking of updates, is there anyway in the probably oh-so-messy IPB code to make forum announcements show like they were posts on the latest post thingy, or mass-post to several forums at the same time? tongue.gif

There's always a way (usually using a lot of "die()"). IPB's code makes me want to vomit though. Things keep breaking in really odd ways which make me wonder why they ever worked in the first place tongue.gif

Dreamweaver (yeah yeah, but I still cant be bothered to find a new editor/FTP) keeps making my CPU run pretty hot, though. I finally got around to ordering thermal paste which should arrive tomorrow. Hopefully I don't kill my CPU and fix the terrible job I did applying it the first time and the overheating problems... Then I can go back to my old ways of risk-free extreme horrendous multi-tasking.

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post Jun 12 2014, 01:08 AM
Post #23

In motus...

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Posts: 361
From: Portugal
Joined: 28-May 09

Developer nightmares. tongue.gif I did an announcement for the modding sections, so it should be visible enough, but IPB really could make it considered a new post or something, so it would appear on the index.
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