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post Jan 6 2010, 04:42 PM
Post #1

Coding like a Rockstar!

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Finding GTA SA Memory Addresses
Using CheatEngine

Step 1:

Download and install CheatEngine from here.

Run the program.

Run GTA San Andreas.

Exit out of San Andreas after you have loaded the game or started a new one.

Step 2:

Cheat Engine will look something like this:

You wanna click the button in the top corner which is outlined in red (it changes colour, too).

Step 3:

A window will pop up displaying the current processes running on your computer. You need to find gta_sa.exe!

Just click "Open".

Step 4:

Now we need to play "detective". We must find the correct address in San Andreas.

Lets do an easy one... Lets find out what the address for cash is for San Andreas. With this, we will be able to control the amount of cash CJ has...

I started with a new game and typed "hesoyam" to give CJ $250,000...

Then, using Cheat Engine, I scanned for the value "250000". It found 3 addresses, all with the value I specified.

San Andreas has 14,383,616 addresses in a HOODLUM 1.0us .exe (13.7MB). Each one could be anything. Some are timers, some are randomized.. Some are useful to us.. such as health, armour, stats etc. There are loads of possibilities.

So we can not be sure which one of these is the right address without some more meddling.

Double click any address and it will go down into another section of CheatEngine, allowing you to change the address.

I chose the first one and changed it to "1".

Step 5:

Enter the game and check what happens to your money.

I changed B7CE50. The money counted down to my entered value.

Yay! We have the address for money.

However, out of curiosity... what do the others do? In my experience, they all changed to 1 after I changed B7CE50.

Meddle with each of the addresses.

I didn't actually test this, but here's what to expect from them:

  • An address that sets the money instantly.
  • An address that sets the HUD value (not particularly the money itself).
  • An address that sets what the money should count to.

Have fun memory hacking!

I may make one for more advanced uses at a later time.

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post Jul 27 2012, 05:40 AM
Post #2

The New Guy!

Posts: 10
Joined: 26-July 12

But how i find the memories acces that doesn't change after i restart gta?

If i find the coordonates in cheat engine is working fine but after i restart gta the memory adress is not wworking anymore..

There all work.. how do i get thoose?

This post has been edited by Paulica: Jul 27 2012, 05:47 AM
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post Jul 27 2012, 03:20 PM
Post #3

Coding like a Rockstar!

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Posts: 1,468
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Joined: 28-May 09

The addresses that don't change are all within a certain range. If the addresses are higher than 0xCA0000, they probably aren't static.

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