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c# gta modding

post Jul 27 2012, 06:27 AM
Post #1

The New Guy!

Posts: 10
Joined: 26-July 12


I found this

Is a great tutorial for making a hack in GTA..

I've done a money hack, gravity hack and some more.

Now what i'm trying to do is to teleport to a location A , send some keys, teleport to a location B , send other keys.

I am trying to find the player coordonates memory acces but i'm stuck. If I use cheat engine the memory will dissapear after restarting GTA..
On the link above all the memory acces work..every time..

How can i do this?

The code will be like

EditMemory(0x(x position memory),100.0);
EditMemory(0x(y position memory),100.0);
EditMemory(0x(z position memory),100.0);

Can you guys help me?
Or can i make a other script cleo like that and put in the c# project?

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