Opcode Database

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GTAG - Modding - Opcode Database - 0A9A

Opcode Database


DescriptionOpens the file for reading and writing. This opcode can be used as a condition: if the file is was not open, it returns False, otherwise True.

1 = variable to store the file handle
2 = file name. If the path is relative, the file is open in accordance with the current directory (opcode 0A99).
3 = file open mode:
0x6272 - opens binary file for reading
0x72 - opens text file for reading
0x6277 - opens binary file for writing
0x77 - opens text file for writing

CLEO 4 Specialities

CLEO 4 simplifies the task of setting the mode using standard methods.

You can replace the mode parameter with a string to specify the opening mode. If you don't use a string, the CLEO 3 opening mode will be used.

"rb" = read binary file
"wb" = write binary file
"wb+" = write binary file (create it if it doesn't exist)
"ab" = append binary file (write at the end)
"ab+" = append binary file (create it if it doesn't exist)
"rt" = read text file
"wt" = write text file
"wt+" = write text file (create it if it doesn't exist)
"at" = append text file
"at+" = append text file (create it if it doesn't exist)
"rb+" = read/write binary file
"rt+" = read/write text file
Parameters (v2)1) File path (Long String) (STRING)
2) Integer (INT)
3) (Returned) File handle (Integer) (INT)
CategoryCLEO 3
San Andreas
sascm.ini0A9A=3, open_file %1s% mode %2d% store_to %3d%
Example0A9A: open_file "settings.ini" mode 0x72 store_to 0@
Command NameOPEN_FILE

<< 0A99

0A9B >>